Dawali Clinic at DermaOne

Safe and effective laser-based treatments for varicose veins

DermaOne Medical Centre and the Surgical Clinic have combined their best efforts to bring to you the Dawali Clinic. The clinic has proven records in the treatment of venous conditions and vascular malformations in adults and children. At Dawali, these treatments are often done with no downtime, hospitalization, general anesthesia or other dreadful complications. With an unrivaled focus on patient care, the processes of consultation, diagnosis, treatment and post-procedure care are all performed at the clinic by Dr. Sadiq Abdulla and his exceptional staff.

Spider Veins / Thread / Telangiectasia

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What are they

Spider veins (also known as thread veins, telangiectasia, capillary veins or broken veins) are prominent blue, purple or red coloured veins in the skin, seen most commonly in the legs. There is no single, obvious cause for thread veins, but underlying factors can include genetic predisposition, obesity and pregnancy.

What are the symptoms?

While thread veins are harmless, they are sometimes uncomfortable and may cause pain. They are also unsightly. Sometimes associated with discomfort and swelling in the legs.

How do we treat it at Dawali Clinic?

Before treating thread veins, it is necessary to make sure there is no underlying problem affecting the major veins in the legs. At Dawali clinic, an ultrasound is performed before any further treatment to evaluate the presence of any underlying problems.

We offer the following treatments for thread veins: sclerotherapy, foam sclerotherapy, laser ablation and endovenous ablation (with laser or radiofrequency).

What is new at Dawali clinic for Spider vein treatment?

With our newest Spider Veins Laser Treatment technology, we are starting to see immediate effects. This is an amazing result for both the patients and for us. The best thing about this new laser technology is its versatility since Spider veins come in different colours, sizes, depth and sites, the treatment requires many different set-ups and parameters which our platform manages to accommodate effectively and keeps our patients happy with its results.

We also started using new diagnostic and lighting systems that give us an enhanced insight of the extent of the problem so we can treat it with more accuracy.

The treatments last for 30-60 minutes so the patient can resume their normal day-day routine without any down time, compression or stocking.

Another technique we use at Dawali Clinic is the Micro Sclerotherapy injection treatment. It is a long established, safe and reliable way of eliminating thread veins, spider veins or broken veins on the legs that are unsightly but cause no symptoms.

Sclerotherapy injections work by introducing a small amount of a mildly irritant solution into the spider vein making the wall stick to itself. The fine veins are then safely closed down and absorbed without harm.

An extremely fine needle is used to perform the treatment. Minor discomfort may be experienced during injections but it is rarely painful. Usually several veins are treated per visit and repeated injections may be required if one suffers from extensive spider or thread veins

Varicose Veins

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What are they

Varicose veins are tortuous, dilated leg veins caused by faulty valves. Chronic high pressure in the veins causes skin changes including thread veins and brown pigmentation (lipodermatosclerosis).

What are the symptoms?

Typically, people with varicose veins can experience pain, aches, cramping, swelling, itching or skin marks, or a combination of these. Characteristic discomfort due to varicose veins is an aching sensation exacerbated by standing for long periods, which may be temporarily relieved by walking.Varicose veins may be associated with swelling of the leg.They can be painless but can cause considerable distress due to their appearance.If left untreated, the condition may progress to severe skin changes and ulceration of the leg around the ankle.

How do we treat it at Dawali clinic?

At Dawali clinic, we have significant experience of dealing with straightforward (first time) and complicated (recurrent or difficult) varicose veins. All patients will undergo a comprehensive clinical examination and venous ultrasound to establish a diagnosis before considering the correct treatment method. Sometimes X-ray imaging of the veins is required at this stage.

We offer the following treatments for varicose veins: minimally invasive surgery under local anaesthetic (no hospital admission required) using endovenous ablasion (with laser or radiofrequency) and vein stripping. Some large veins are treated with Foam Sclerotherapy under direct vision or ultrasound guided sclerotherapy for deeper veins.

Facial Capillaries

These refer to unsightly red or purple facial blood vessels which are commonly found on the nose, cheek and upper chest areas. These small red or pink ‘threads’ are part of the extensive vein network that carries the blood supply of the face. Individuals with dehydrated, dry and sensitive skin often have thinner tissue, which allows more trauma to the veins. While heredity usually plays a large part (fair, thin–skinned people are most prone), broken capillaries are also brought on by: aging, prolonged sun exposure, pregnancy, childbirth, estrogen replacement therapy, excessive alcohol consumption and rosacea which is a common skin condition triggering facial redness from a combination of bumpy skin, pimples and broken capillaries.

How do we treat it at Dawali clinic?

We designed a special treatment protocol for facial capillary treatment, it includes the proven and safe Yag and Q-switch lasers which target facial veins with energy pulses leaving the surrounding area untouched. The hemoglobin inside the vein absorbs the energy and causes the blood to vapourise and the vein simply collapses. The treated blood vessels will in time disappear naturally as the body dissolves the vein fragments followed by treatments that soothe the treated area and achieve the best possible results.

Hand Veins

Unlike varicose veins that appear in the legs, which should be treated for medical reasons, the bulging veins in your hands are not a health risk. But if you don’t like how those veins look as you get older, they can be removed to make your hands smoother and more youthful. You might notice your hand veins more as you age because our skin naturally thins down. The layer of fat and collagen under the skin disappears, and the vein walls lose elasticity, which causes them to bulge.

The old saying goes like this: To tell a woman’s age, look at her hands, not her face. These veins are not unhealthy, so this procedure is considered cosmetic and most insurance will not cover their removal. If you do decide to have the treatment, you will experience little or no pain and will face no restrictions on activity after a day or two.

Sclerotherapy is the typical office-based treatment for removal of hand veins, this can be combined with filler injections and pigmentations laser removal for complete rejuvenation of the hands. Compression gloves will have to be worn to for a day after the treatment.

Vascular Malformations and Birthmarks

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What is a birthmark hemangioma?

A hemangioma is a type of birthmark. It is the most common benign (noncancerous) tumor of the skin. Hemangiomas may be present at birth (faint red mark) or may appear in the first months after birth. A hemangioma is also known as a port wine stain, strawberry hemangioma and salmon patch. About 60 percent of hemangiomas occur in the head or neck area. Hemangiomas occur at least three times more often in females than in males. Most will continue to grow for the first six to 12 months of life before beginning to shrink.

What is a vascular malformation?

A vascular malformation is another type of birthmark, or congenital (present at birth) growth, made up of arteries, veins, capillaries, or lymphatic vessels. There are several different types of malformations and they are named according to which type of blood vessel is predominantly affected. A vascular malformation is also known as lymphangioma, arteriovenous malformation and vascular gigantism.

Treatment for birthmark hemangiomas

Treatment for hemangiomas depends on their size, location, and severity. Treatment is usually not recommended for small, noninvasive hemangiomas, since they will become smaller (involute) on their own. However, hemangiomas that cause bleeding problems, feeding or breathing difficulties, growth disturbances, or impairment of vision may require medical or surgical intervention.

Treatment may include the following:

Steroid medications, embolization of the blood vessels (injection of material into the blood vessels to block the blood inflow), laser or surgical removal, an oral medication called Propranolol: this is classically a heart medication that has been safely used to treat symptomatic hemangiomas.

Treatment for vascular malformations

Treatment for vascular malformations depends on the type of the malformation. Each type of malformation is treated differently. Laser therapy is usually effective for capillary malformations or port wine stains, which tend to be flat, violet or red patches on the face. Arterial malformations are often treated by embolization (blood flow into malformation is blocked by injecting material near the lesion). Venous malformations and lymphatic malformations are usually treated by direct injection of a sclerosing (clotting) medication, which causes clotting of the channels. There are surgical options for some lesions. As the treatment plan can be variable, we at Dawali Clinic recommend that complex cases be seen by a multidisciplinary team of dermatologists, vascular surgeons, interventional radiologists and pediatricians, working together on a comprehensive treatment plan individualized for each patient. Most often, a combination of these various treatments is used for effective management of the lesion.

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

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What is it?

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is the formation of a blood clot (or thrombosis) in a deep vein in the leg.

What are the symptoms?

DVT can cause swelling and pain in the leg, but often occurs without giving any symptoms. DVT may well settle completely, if the thrombosis is dissolved by natural processes. If DVT extends up the deep veins, two things can happen:

  1. The thrombosis can become dislodged from the vein, and get carried through the main veins and heart to lodge in the lungs; this is called a pulmonary embolism. Small pulmonary emboli may cause chest pain, and sometimes coughing up of blood. Multiple or larger pulmonary emboli may cause breathlessness. A large pulmonary embolus which blocks the main blood vessels to the lungs can be fatal.
  2. The thrombosis can cause chronic blockage in the deep veins or damage to their valves, leading to long term swelling and sometimes skin problems at the ankle.

How do we treat it at Dawali Clinic

Any patient with suspected DVT or leg swelling will be screened using ultrasound, where we non-invasively look at the deep veins in the patient’s legs to rule out the presence or absence of the thrombosis. This process is painless and very accurate, and can be done in a very short period of time (10-15 minutes).

We offer the following treatments for DVT: medication (dissolves blood clots and relieves blockage in the veins) – drugs can be administered by mouth or injection with no need for hospital admission in most instances; thrombolysis (a technique to dissolve the thrombosis); venous thrombectomy (using a special device, we suction the thrombosis from the vein)

Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)

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What is it?

Chronic Venus Insufficiency (CVI) is a medical condition where the veins cannot pump enough blood back to the heart. As functional venous valves are required to provide for efficient blood return from the lower extremities, CVI typically affects the legs. Ongoing impaired vein function can cause a range of other symptoms, including ulceration.

What are the symptoms?

CVI sufferers may experience swollen ankles and tight calves. Legs may also feel heavy, tired, restless, or achy. Other symptoms include pain while walking or shortly after stopping. CVI may be associated with varicose veins. CVI can also cause problems with leg swelling because of the pressure of the blood pooling in the veins.

How do we treat it at Dawali Clinic

CVI sufferers may experience swollen ankles and tight calves. Legs may also feel heavy, tired, restless, or achy. Other symptoms include pain while walking or shortly after stopping. CVI may be associated with varicose veins. CVI can also cause problems with leg swelling because of the pressure of the blood pooling in the veins.